Saturday, March 5, 2016

When One Cement Mixer is Not Enough

One of our local hardware stores is going out of business, and we stopped by last week (after the initial rush of customers).  I picked up a pack of 9V batteries for my smoke detectors, and a tube of super glue.  Dennis, who was on the look-out for display cases and such, ended up buying not one but two portable cement mixers, and two heavy-duty moving dollies.

My latest finish is "Jingle Bells Xmas Tree Farm" by The Victoria Sampler.

I'm now starting on my latest on-line class, this is Patriotic Sparklers Part 2 by Margaret Bendig, through EGA.  You may remember that I posted about taking the Part 1 class last year.  At that time, we students liked the class so much we persuaded EGA and the teacher to teach Part 2.

And, an update on Tidal Textures.  This was a class I took at EGA Seminar in Myrtle Beach.  I first posted a photo of the painted canvas with shells scattered on it.  I now have accomplished quite a bit of stitching on the background water and sand for the tidal pool.  Lots more effort than this photo shows since I ripped stuff out two or three times as I went along - sometimes I liked the stitch but the color was off, at other times I liked the color but the stitch wasn't quite right.  I've set this aside and been working on other things, but one of these days will get back to it.

Progress on background stitching of sea and sand on Tidal Textures

My new electric blanket came with a 20-pound weight

I like to snuggle under a heated blanket on these cold evenings, while watching TV or reading.  I had been using a heated throw which frustrated me because it just wasn't big enough.  If I wanted to cover my chest and shoulders, then my feet stuck out the bottom.  If I covered my feet, then my shoulders were cold.  So, I finally gave in and purchased a twin-sized electric blanket.

Of course, now it's way too big.  Which means the bottom of the blanket drags on the floor.  And guess who figured out quite quickly that there was now a warm spot on the floor, that he could sleep on or under, or wrapped up in.  So, when I would go to shift position, or move the blanket, there is now a nice 20-pound cat weighing it down.

My first finish of 2016 is "Stitching Feeds My Heart" by Silver Creek Samplers.  I changed the colors and the wording.  I really fell in love with this design, because stitching truly does feed my heart.

Year End

We spent Christmas Day in Dubuque, with my Dad in assisted living.  Unfortunately, he wasn't feeling well.  As usual, it was a bookish Christmas, though my brother and sister-in-law were treated to a couple of drones, and I got two Roku gizmos for my living room and bedroom TVs.  Now to figure out how to hook them up!

I did stitch a Christmas ornament, which as usual, I have yet to actually finish into an ornament.  My pile of "to finish" pieces is getting taller and taller.  One of these days....

Christmas Cardinal from the Stoney Creek Collection
A quick finish was "Bonnie Rose" designed by Louise Henderson of Cherished Stitches.  It was a free pattern provided by Fiberworks in Waverly.  I used threads and fabric from my stash.

And thus the year ended quietly.