I've been reading my way through the "No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency" series of mystery books by Alexander McCall-Smith. Set in Botswana, it tells about the cases that the female detective solves. The books give a nice glimpse into life in Botswana.
I just finished "The Full Cupboard of Life." There's a scene where the young apprentice at a automotive shop makes a comment about it not being good for women to think too much. Of course, he gets called on this comment, and when he tries to dig out of the hole he made, he is told:
"So now you are changing your mind. You did not know what you were saying because your tongue is out of control. It is always walking away on its own and leaving your head behind. Perhaps there is some medicine for that. Maybe there is an operation that can fix it for you."
Remind you of anyone in this election year?