A trip to Dubuque for Christmas dinner and gift exchange. Now that gifts have been given, I can share photos.
On our cruise, one of the channels on the TV was Disney Junior. Periodically between cartoons, the channel featured "Muffalo Potato," who was a sock puppet. With his human companion, John, they taught kids how to draw using just numbers and letters. Being the cruise channel, the drawing lessons encompassed a dolphin, a whale, a sea turtle, and an octopus. I found this octopus online and stitched him up as a cruise memory for Dennis.
One of my online classes this past year was "Autumn Crackers," designed and taught by Marilyn Owen. I have stitched two of the four so far, and finished them into ornaments rather than crackers. I gave the pumpkin ornament to my sister-in-law and the owl to my Dad.
My major Christmas-gift stitching will wait until Easter. My brother in Germany will be back for a visit then. He usually comes in the fall, and we have Christmas early. This year, we're having Christmas at Easter time, which works out well since I would not have had time to finish the items for giving at Christmas. The stitching is now done, and the pieces are soon off to the finisher.
The finish I am most proud of this year was "Elegance Cubed" by Kurdy Biggs. I switched the background color to blue. This was my first 3-D endeavor, and the first project I've done that was so heavily beaded (beads upon beads upon beads). It looks pretty good, if I do say so myself.