Well, I've been elected President of our Condo Owner's Association. Lest you think that's some sort of high honor, let me explain. Our board is supposed to be composed of four members. At our annual meeting, we only had two people willing to even run for the board. And, not enough owners showed up to have a quorum, so we ended up having to reschedule. By the rescheduled annual meeting, a third person had agreed to run. Which still left us one short. Finally, due to a write in vote, we ended up with four board members.
Then came the first board meeting, and the need to elect officers. No one else was willing to step up to be President, so I reluctantly agreed. We'll see how things go.
A trip to Dubuque for Thanksgiving, where we had turkey dinner at the assisted living center where Mom and Dad live. Mom and Dad are finally in a double room, after some months in separate single rooms.
As for stitching, here is my latest finish.
Samba by Kathy Rees, Needle Delights |
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