Tuesday, September 19, 2017

But Cairo is in Egypt

One of the things we like to do on cruises is participate in the trivia contests, which are held a couple of times a day.  Most of the time we just listen and don't try to compete for prizes.  But one day another couple and we were the only people interested, so the four of us decided to work together rather than compete. That day, the contest was to identify, from photos, the movie character's name. That was harder than it sounded.  We could usually identify the actor, or the show, but couldn't always come up with the character's name.  But, since we were the only people participating, all four of us received a prize - a Royal Caribbean pen!  Whoo-hoo

Well, the next day, we headed to the trivia contest, not expecting to participate, but we ran into the same couple and decided to join with them again.  There were a lot of people participating that day, and some of the questions were pretty obscure.

Anyway, one of the questions was, "What city in Africa has the largest population?" The other couple were guessing Johannesburg, and I said what about Cairo, is Cairo bigger than Johannesburg?  The woman looked at me like I was nuts and said, "But Cairo is in Egypt!"  To which I responded, well, yes, but Egypt is in Africa.  It turns out I was right, Cairo is the biggest city in Africa.

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