Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Why it's a problem if you get all your news from Instagram

Well, another Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders issue.  One of the candidates was "released" after seven weeks of training camp, for utterly failing the mock interview with a TV reporter.  The reporter asked her about the "me too movement," and the candidate had to admit she had never heard of it.  In a follow-up meeting, the Director asked her how she got her news - did she watch TV or listen to the radio.  Well, no, she got her news from Instagram.  Hopefully she took some time after she left training camp to catch up on some news and check out the "me too movement."

And lest you think the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader candidates are the only people with an intelligence deficit - one of the members of one of my stitching groups on Facebook asked this morning that, if she bought a yard of fabric that was 60 inches wide, how long a piece would she get?  Duh...  This reminds me of something Dr. Seuss might say: "A yard's a yard, no matter how wide."

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